Searching for a BrandFolder alternative?

Try ImageKit – A mighty DAM for high-growth teams.
Enterprise-grade features without enterprise-grade pricing or complexity.

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2,000+ companies process billions of media assets every day with ImageKit

4 reasons to use ImageKit over BrandFolder

Reason 1: Low starting cost that scales as you grow

While Brandfolder might limit features in its starter plans, ImageKit empowers you with a comprehensive DAM solution from the very start. This ensures that even small teams can access the essential functionalities required for successful digital asset management without incurring high costs.

ImageKit prioritizes cost-effectiveness and scalability:

  • Streamlined pricing: Our plans offer a comprehensive feature set to efficiently manage assets and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders at competitive starting prices.
  • Pay-as-you-grow model: Seamlessly scale to higher tiers with a transparent pay-per-use system, adapting to your evolving storage and user needs.

Effortless collaboration and sharing:

  • Unified user management: No distinction between power users and read-only users. Everyone on your team can collaborate efficiently.
  • Simplified public sharing: Share assets effortlessly with external users via public links or the asset URL without additional licenses.

ImageKit provides a customizable solution that adapts to your organization's specific user and storage requirements. The straightforward pricing model ensures you can easily predict and manage costs as your usage grows.

Reason 2: Central hub to manage, collaborate and deliver digital assets

With ImageKit, you can go beyond managing and collaborating on your digital assets. ImageKit is the central hub for your entire company, not just for marketing and creative teams.

Manage, Collaborate & Deliver
  • Organize and share: Easily organize your digital asset repository with tags and metadata, provide role-based granular access to internal and external teams, and share assets publicly with collections and public links. All this from a simple self-serve interface without needing administrative intervention.

  • Enhanced cross-team collaboration: ImageKit fosters a sense of unity by enabling seamless collaboration. Features like point-in-time comments on videos and images, version control for tracking different iterations, and activity logs for monitoring ensure that everyone, from marketing to tech teams, is on the same page.

  • Direct asset delivery: With ImageKit, your DAM remains the source of truth for assets, even when they are pushed to your website or app. There's no need to transfer assets to a separate repository on S3, Azure, or any other platform, ensuring reliability and security.

ImageKit offers built-in real-time compression, transformation, and streaming capabilities, enhancing web performance, SEO, and user experience. These features distinguish ImageKit from other DAM solutions.

Reason 3: Simple platform, built for everyone

ImageKit's dashboard is designed for simplicity.

Whether you're new to DAM software or an experienced user, our simple, easy-to-use features, responsive support team, detailed repository of best practices, and help documentation make it easy to get started and work in the future.

Say "YES" to:Say "NO" to:
✅ Creating a custom asset organization in days not months using structured metadata fields and AI-powered tagging.❌ Spending months on uploading, organizing, and managing access to your own assets, and paying additional fees for professional services, implementation experts, and administrators.
✅ Easy to set up granular access controls and ImageKit’s public sharing capabilities, making collaborating with internal and external users simple.❌ Figuring out multiple tiers of access and visibility and debugging who can see and access what, before actually getting to work.
✅ An intuitive interface and easy processes for fast-growing teams to work even faster.❌ Steep learning curves and intensive training sessions.

Reason 4: Simplified asset migration and dedicated support

Migrate your assets effortlessly from a wide range of cloud storage providers such as Amazon S3, FTP, Google Drive, Dropbox, and more.

Migration Support
Migration Support

With the robust support for migration using Rclone, you can confidently automate and efficiently transfer large volumes of assets from over 40 cloud storage providers including Google Drive and Dropbox directly into ImageKit DAM.

We promptly address any migration issues or concerns through your preferred communication channels—email, chat, phone, and even Slack—ensuring your teams always receive a timely response. And in case your business requires managed migration support, the ImageKit team is happy to provide that, too.

Why high-growth teams choose ImageKit

All the DAM functionality for fast-growing teams to optimize digital asset lifecycles


Manage assets with ImageKit
  • Easy upload and download functionality: Drag and drop interface simplifies asset upload and developer-friendly APIs and SDKs in multiple languages enable programmatic bulk file uploads and advanced file management operations.

  • Advanced search: The AI-powered search provides suggestions as you type and finds content visually similar to your input text or image. You can also combine multiple filters to pinpoint the specific assets you need - truly a lightning-fast search.


Collaborate with ImageKit
  • Granular access controls: Grant access and permissions precisely for your internal and external users using role-based access control.
  • Cross-team collaboration: Spend more time creating and shipping assets, not setting up complicated workflows. ImageKit makes collaboration easy by allowing you to gather feedback, track iterations, and monitor activity logs—all in one place.
  • Real-time feedback: Centralize all your asset feedback, comments and approvals on the DAM platform to avoid scattered communication across multiple channels.
  • Reduce asset duplicity: Ensure zero duplication of assets virtual Media Collections. Changes on the master asset reflects on all collections.


Deliver assets directly from ImageKit DAM
  • Built-in Image editor and AI powered background removal: Use our built-in browser-based image editor for any last-minute adjustments. The AI-powered background removal tool helps you accelerate creating polished assets without relying on dedicated editor support.
  • Real-time media optimization and transformation: Deliver assets directly to your website and app in the best-suited formats and smallest sizes without hampering the visual quality with ImageKit’s built-in media optimization. Our URL-based 50+ real-time media transformations help you adapt your media assets to various use cases and deliver them at scale.

Multiple data-storage regions

Multiple data storage regions
Multiple data storage regions
Remain compliant with data storage requirements with access to six cloud-based storage locations globally, including one in Europe.

Responsive & personal support

ImageKit support channels
ImageKit support channels
Put your time and energy on managing your asset repository and not figuring how a particular feature works. ImageKit ensures your team is fully onboarded and promptly resolves any issues that may arise at any point in your journey via Email, Doc, Chat, Phone or Slack.

ImageKit vs BrandFolder

Access all the features that truly matter at a price you’ll definitely love.

Starting at $0/mo
Start Now
Starting at ~$1600/mo
No Free Plan
Granular access controlYes, standardized access control for all plan types. Accessible objects are assets, folders and collections onlyYes, but complex. Four types of user levels multiplied by 5 types of accessible objects
Share file & folder linksYesYes
CollectionsYesYes, but enterprise only
Activity LogYesYes
Tags (Manual & AI)YesYes
Search for file via name, tags or keywordsYesYes
Visual SearchYesYes
Custom MetadataYesYes, but enterprise only
Version ControlYesYes
Headless DAMYesNo
Automated format conversion & media optimizationYes, 100+ billion assets delivered monthly using our 50+ real-time URL-based image and video transformationsYes, launched in 2021 with a very limited feature set
Time to go liveA few daysMonths
OnboardingRequires minimal onboarding supportRequires dedicated onboarding support
ManagementCan be self-managed by the internal teamsNeeds a dedicated hire to execute onboarding, set-up and managing the day-to-day
Free TrialForever, free planNo

ImageKit is built for high-growth teams, ensuring unorganized assets never slow you down.

Avoid "enterprise" tools that take months to onboard and implement.

Get up and running quickly with ImageKit without
burning a hole in your pocket

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Learn more from case studies

How different organizations utilize ImageKit to optimize and transform images to deliver a great user experience

Better performance & UX with cost savings
Improved customer engagement with personalized banners
Simplified image optimization
Optimized bandwidth consumption by 25%
30% faster load time, 60% smaller videos
Improved web performance