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Conditional Transformations

You can apply transformations conditionally based on certain properties of the input asset.

Transformations can be applied conditionally, i.e., only if certain properties of the input asset satisfy a given condition. To accomplish this, you can create if-else - like constructs within an asset URL.

The syntax to build and specify a conditional transformation block is:


For example, you can resize all landscape images to a certain width, say 200, while resizing portrait images to a width of 300. The value of the ar (aspect ratio) property of an image helps determine whether it has a landscape (> 1) or portrait (< 1) orientation.

                                    1       2             3                   
                                  ┌─────┐ ┌───┐         ┌───┐,w-200,if-else,w-300,if-end/default-image.jpg
  1. condition: A condition based on a property of the image that evaluates to either true or false. It has the format if-{property}_{operator}_{value}. Learn more.
  2. transformations_on_true: Transformations that are applied only if the preceding condition evaluates to true. This can be a chain of transformations as well.
  3. transformations_on_false (optional): Transformations that are applied only if the preceding condition evaluates to false. This can be a chain of transformations as well. This part along with the preceding if-else are optional and can be skipped.

How to specify the condition part

The condition part in the above syntax can be built using a predefined set of image properties, comparison operators, and logical operators. A singular condition follows the {property}_{operator}_{value} syntax. For example, if-h_gt_100 evaluates to true if the height of the image is greater than 100.

You can combine multiple conditions using the and and or logical operators. For example, if-h_gte_100_and_h_lte_400_or_ar_lt_4-3 evaluates to true only if the image height is between 100 and 400, or the aspect ratio is less than 4:3.

and operator has precedence over or operator during condition evaluation.

Supported properties

Property Allowed values Description
hNumbersHeight of the image at the current step in a chain of transforms. eg. 100, 200.55
wNumbersWidth of the image at the current step in a chain of transforms. eg. 100, 200.55
arNumbers, Fraction (aspect ratio of 4:3 can be specified as 4-3)Aspect ratio of the image at the current step in a chain of transforms. eg. 100, 200.55, 4-3
ihNumbersHeight of the original, untransformed image. eg. 100, 200.55
iwNumbersWidth of the original, untransformed image. eg. 100, 200.55



Fraction (aspect ratio of 4:3 can be specified as 4-3)

Aspect ratio of the original, untransformed image. eg. 100, 200.55, 4-3

Supported operators

eqh_eq_100 evaluates to true if the image height is equal to 100.
neh_ne_100 evaluates to true if the image height is not equal to 100.
gth_gt_100 evaluates to true if the image height is greater than 100 .
gteh_gte_100 evaluates to true if the image height is greater than or equal to 100.
lth_lt_100 evaluates to true if the image height is less than 100.
lteh_lte_100 evaluates to true if the image height is less than or equal to 100.

How to specify transformations

You can specify a set of any supported transformations, or a chain of transformations, in place of the transformations_on_true and transformations_on_false parts. The former will be applied if the condition evaluates to true. The latter will be applied if the condition evaluates to false. The if-else and the succeeding transformations are optional.

For example, if-ar_gt_1,w-200,if-else,w-300,if-end and if-ar_gt_1,w-200,if-end are both valid.

Conditional transformations are not supported for gif files yet.

Usage with chained transformations

An if block can be one of the steps in a chain of transformations. For example, in h-200,c-pad_resize:if-h_eq_200,w-100,if-end:rt-90, the if block is the second step in a chain of three steps. The height value that this block receives for evaluating the h_eq_100 condition, will be 200 since the previous step in the chain resizes the image to a height of 200. Hence, the condition will evaluate to true.

A step containing an if block cannot contain any other comma-separated transform within that step. For example, h-400:rt-90,if-h_eq_200,w-100,if-end:rt-90 or h-400:if-h_eq_200,w-100,if-end,bl-10:rt-90 or h-100,if-h_eq_200,w-100,if-end are all invalid.