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Image & video API

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Notification center

Get updates on activities in the ImageKit DAM.

In the ImageKit DAM, you receive notifications for new comments and mentions in threads you are watching and when files, folders, or media collections are shared with you.

Notifications are automatically removed from the list after 30 days. Older notifications can still be found in your email.

View notifications

To view your notifications, click on the notification icon in the DAM, as shown below. The number of new notifications is displayed at the top of the icon.

There are two tabs in the notification center.

  • "All" shows all the notifications received.
  • "Only Mentions" shows the notifications directly mentioning you.

Manage and filter notifications

You can mark notifications as "read" or "unread". To do so, hover over the avatar located on the left-hand side of the notification. A selectable will appear; click it to change the notification status.

Set read status of notification

Additionally, you can mark all notifications as read using the "Mark all as read" button provided.

You can use the "Only show unread" filter to view only unread notifications.

Which notifications are included?

Notifications are added to the notifications center when another user with access does one of the following:

  • Shares any file, folder or media collection with you. Learn more about access control and sharing here.
  • Adds a new comment on threads you are watching or mentions you on threads of files you have access to. Learn more about it here.

In addition to being displayed in the Notification Center, you will also receive an email notification.