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Saved searches and bookmarks

Learn how to save and manage your search queries and bookmark links in the ImageKit Digital Asset Management (DAM).

Saved searches

You can save search queries and filters applied in the media library and media collection within ImageKit Digital Asset Management (DAM). Once saved, you can quickly access your search results.

Whenever a search is executed, you will see an option to save the search next to the search result information. Click on it, enter a name for the saved search, select its visibility, and save it. A saved search can either be visible to all users who have access to the DAM or kept private for the user who saved it.

An account can have a maximum of 1,000 saved searches.

View and search for saved searches

You can view all saved searches by clicking on the "Saved searches" option in the nav bar. You can search for a saved search using its name; substring matching is supported.

Managing saved searches

After saving a search, you can edit or delete it. You can change the name of the saved search or delete it, but only the user who created it can modify its visibility (either "Only to me" or "Shared with everyone" who has access to the DAM).

Pinning saved searches

You can pin important or frequently used saved searches to keep them at the top for quick access. Note that pinning a saved search is personal to each user and does not apply to all users in the account.

You can pin a maximum of 8 saved searches.


Bookmarks allow you to save important links for easy reference and access from within the DAM.

To create a bookmark, click on the "Add bookmark" button from the bookmark drawer in the nav bar and enter a name and link. Bookmarks are accessible to all users who have access to the DAM. Once created, you can edit the name and link, and you can also delete bookmarks. You can search for a bookmark using its name or link with substring matching.

An account can have a maximum of 1,000 bookmarks.

Audit logs

All actions related to creating, updating, and deleting saved searches and bookmarks within the DAM are recorded in the central audit logs. These logs can be used to track your bookmarks and saved searches.