Getting started

Integration & migration

Image & video API

DAM user guide

API overview



Real-time image & video resizing, automatic optimization, and file uploading in Android using

This quickstart guide shows you how to integrate ImageKit into an Android application. The code samples covered are available on Github:

This guide walks you through the following topics: ‌

Clone and run the tutorial app

For this tutorial, we have used our sample Android app as shown below. If you have your own existing Android app, you can integrate the ImageKit Android SDK into it, the instructions for which are provided in the subsequent sections.

git clone

Navigate to the cloned repository and open the android folder within the cloned repository in Android Studio.Run Gradle sync to install the dependencies specified for the sample Android app.

After the sync is done successfully, you can run the app by selecting your target device/emulator and clicking on the Run button in Studio.

You should see the following screen. This means the sample app has been set up correctly.

Setup ImageKit Android SDK

You can integrate and use the ImageKit Android SDK in your own app by following these steps in your app project:

Installing the SDK

To install the SDK, add the following to the root-level build.gradle:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

And in the module-level build.gradle, add:

implementation 'com.github.imagekit-developer.imagekit-android:imagekit-android:<VERSION>'

Initializing the SDK

Initialize our SDK preferably in the Application class or any Activity as needed, with the following code:

// Kotlin

    context = applicationContext,
    publicKey = "your_public_api_key",
    urlEndpoint = "",
    transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.PATH,
    defaultUploadPolicy = UploadPolicy.Builder()
// Java

  • urlEndpoint is the required parameter. You can get the value of the URL endpoint from your ImageKit dashboard -

  • publicKey is an optional parameter and is only needed if you want to use the SDK for client-side file upload. You can get the public key from the developer section in your ImageKit dashboard -

  • transformationPosition is optional. The default value for this parameter is TransformationPosition.PATH. Acceptable values are TransformationPosition.PATH & TransformationPosition.QUERY.

  • defaultUploadPolicy is optional and only needed if you want to use the SDK for client-side file upload. This sets the default constraints for all the upload requests.

Rendering Images in Android application

Image URLs can be created from an image path or using the absolute image URL. You can learn more about it in docs.

To render an image using an absolute URL (full image URL), we can instantiate the ImageKitUrlConstructor.

        src = "",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.PATH

To create a URL from the image path, we can instantiate the ImageKitURLConstructor which takes the URL endpoint, image path, and transformation position as parameters to create the transformed url.

        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY

The transformation position (path or query) is only valid when creating a URL from the image path. Transformations are always added as query parameters if the URL is created from an absolute image path using src.

The Android SDK provides a function for each transformation parameter, making the code simpler and readable. To add transformations, the functions can be chained with the ImagekitUrlConstructor instance.

val urlConstructor = ImageKit.getInstance()
        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)

Finally, once all the required transformations are defined, call the create function to get the final transformed URL

val url = urlConstructor.create()

It will look like the picture below. The buttons are present in the sample app to demonstrate the use of different transformations.

We can also use the extensions for the ImagekitUrlConstructor to create the image URLs with the image request objects from image loading libraries like Glide, Coil, Picasso etc.

Common image manipulation in Android application

This section covers the basics:‌

  • ​Basic image resizing
  • Crop Mode
  • ​Aspect Ratio
  • ​Chained transformation

ImageKit Android SDK provides a function to each transformation parameter e.g. height for h and width for w parameter. It makes your code more readable. See the full list of supported transformations in Android SDK on Github.

The complete list of transformations supported and their usage in ImageKit can be found here. If a transformation is supported in ImageKit, but if a name for it cannot be found in the SDK, then use the addCustomTransformation function and pass the transformation code from ImageKit docs as the first parameter and value as the second parameter. For example - .addCustomTransformation("w", "400").

Basic image resizing <a href="basic-image-resizing" id="basic-image-resizing"></a>

Let's resize the image to a height of 150px and a width of 150px.

val url = ImageKit.getInstance()
        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY


Crop mode

Let’s now see how different crop mode works. We will try the pad_resize crop strategy. In this strategy, the output image's dimension (height and width) is the same as requested, no cropping occurs, and the aspect ratio is preserved. This is accomplished by adding padding around the output image to get it to match the exact dimension as requested. You can read more about this here.

val url = ImageKit.getInstance()
        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY


Aspect ratio

You can use the ar parameter to change the aspect ratio like this:

val url = ImageKit.getInstance()
        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)


Chained transformation

Chained transformations provide a simple way to control the sequence in which transformations are applied.

Let’s try it out by resizing an image, then rotating it:

val url = ImageKit.getInstance()
        path = "default-image.jpg",
        transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.QUERY
    .aspectRatio(3, 2)


Client-side file uploading

Let's learn how to upload an image to our media library.

iOS SDK provides ImageKitUploader, which provides functions to allow files to be uploaded to the ImageKit media library directly from the client side.

To use upload functionality, we need to pass publicKey while initializing the SDK, and pass the client-generated JSON Web Token (JWT) in the upload method, which the server uses to authenticate and check that the upload request parameters have not been tampered with after the generation of the token. Refer this guide to create the token.

    publicKey: "your_public_api_key", //Replace this with the public API key from your ImageKit account
    urlEndpoint: "your_url_endpoint", //Replace this with the URL endpoint for your ImageKit account
    transformationPosition: TransformationPosition.PATH, 

For this, we would need a dummy backend app to authenticate our upload request. API authentication for upload always happens on the backend for security reasons.

The tutorial repository comes with a sample backend server that we can use.

Setting up the backend app

For this quick start guide, we have provided the sample implementation of the authentication endpoint using jsonwebtoken and Express.

In a new terminal window, navigate to the Server folder inside the tutorial project and install its npm packages:

cd Server/
npm install

Let's modify index.js to implement http://localhost:8080/auth, which is our authenticationEndpoint.

    This is our backend server.
    Replace your_url_endpoint, your_public_key, your_private_key 
    with actual values
const express = require('express');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const app = express();
const cors = require('cors');


const publicKey = "your_public_key";
const privateKey = "your_private_key";"/auth", function (req, res) {
  const token = jwt.sign(
      expiresIn: req.body.expire,
      header: {
        alg: "HS256",
        typ: "JWT",
        kid: publicKey,
  res.send({ token });

app.listen(8080, function () {
  console.log("Live at Port 8080");

Finally, run the backend app.

node index.js

You should see a log line saying that the app is “Live on port 8080”.

If you run the following command in the terminal

curl -L 'localhost:8080/auth' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
        "filename": "image.jpg",
        "folder": "/"
    "expire": 60

You should see a JSON response like this, which contains the JWT token. Actual values will vary.

    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6InRlc3QifQ.eyJmaWxlbmFtZSI6ImltYWdlLmpwZyIsImZvbGRlciI6Ii8iLCJpYXQiOjE3MTg2OTUwNzUsImV4cCI6MTcxODY5NTEzNX0.HN_0gHfI26drmFGHmIiZuLnz21nzz6VpTuRWUi4Ljno"

You can use JWT Debugger to decode and verify that the token is correctly generated.

Configure the auth endpoint in the frontend app

Head over to Constants.kt and ensure the AUTH_SERVER_BASE_URL is set to http://localhost:8080 and AUTH_API_ENDPOINT is set to /auth.

Upload a file

To upload an image to the media library, the ImageKit Android SDK provides ImageKitUploader . For complete API reference for the image upload function, check out the docs on the ImageKit Android Git Repository.

The ImageKit.getInstance().uploader().upload function can ingest files through Bitmap, File or URL of a remote image.

    file = image,
    token = "UPLOAD_JWT" //Replace this with the JWT returned by your custom auth server
    fileName = "sample-image.jpg",
    useUniqueFilename = true,
    tags = ["demo"],
    folder = "/",
    isPrivateFile =  false,
    customCoordinates = "",
    responseFields = "",
    extensions = listOf(mapOf("name" to "google-auto-tagging", "minConfidence" to 80, "maxTags" to 10)),
    webhookUrl = "",
    overwriteFile = false,
    overwriteAITags = true,
    overwriteTags = true,
    overwriteCustomMetadata = true,
    customMetadata = mapOf("SKU" to "VS882HJ2JD", "price" to 599.99, "brand" to "H&M"),
    imageKitCallback = object: ImageKitCallback {
        override fun onSuccess(uploadResponse: UploadResponse) {
            // Handle Success Response
        override fun onError(uploadError: UploadError) {
            // Handle Upload Error

After a successful upload, you should see the newly uploaded file in the Media Library of your ImageKit dashboard.

If you don't see the file, check if there are any errors in the error log. Make sure that the private API key has been configured. The server app is running. And the uploaded file type is supported by ImageKit.

Setting an upload policy

The UploadPolicy class represents a set of conditions that need to be met for an upload request to be executed. This policy is useful in various cases, like constraining large uploads to be performed only when the specified network and battery conditions are satisfied, and to control the retry mechanism for failed upload requests.

UploadPolicy.Builder class is responsible for building the UploadPolicy instances. You can set a default upload policy for all uploads while instantiating the SDK, e. g.:

    context = applicationContext,
    publicKey = "your_public_api_key",
    urlEndpoint = "",
    transformationPosition = TransformationPosition.PATH,
    defaultUploadPolicy = UploadPolicy.Builder()

And you can pass a custom upload policy in the upload() method to override the default policy for a particular upload, e. g.:

    file = image,
    fileName = "sample-image.jpg",
    useUniqueFilename = true,
    policy = UploadPolicy.Builder()
    imageKitCallback = object: ImageKitCallback {
        override fun onSuccess(uploadResponse: UploadResponse) {
            // Handle Success Response
        override fun onError(uploadError: UploadError) {
            // Handle Upload Error

How to preprocess your files before uploading

The ImageKitUploader can also perform the preprocessing of the image/video to modify them before uploading, by passing an instance of ImageUploadPreprocessor/VideoUploadPreprocessor. These preprocessors can be useful for certain use cases, e.g:

  • Modifying the media size and/or quality, to perhaps optimize the use of ImageKit storage.
  • Applying certain media transformations from within the app, like when using an image editing feature of the app.

Currently, follwing transformations can be applied by upload preprocessors:

  • Images:
    • Limiting width & height
    • Rotation
    • Crop
    • Format selection
  • Videos:
    • Limiting width & height
    • Frame rate
    • A/V bitrate
    • Keyframes interval

Sample Usage

    file = image,
    fileName = "sample-image.jpg",
    useUniqueFilename = true,
    tags = ["demo"],
    preprocessor = ImageUploadPreprocessor.Builder()
        .limit(512, 512)
    imageKitCallback = object: ImageKitCallback {
        override fun onSuccess(uploadResponse: UploadResponse) {
            // Handle Success Response
        override fun onError(uploadError: UploadError) {
            // Handle Upload Error

Extensions for third-party libraries

ImageKit Android SDK also provides library extensions for integrations with the following image loading libraries for Android: