Getting started

Integration & migration

Image & video API

DAM user guide

API overview


Session Management

Manage your active sessions and terminate them remotely.

You may access the ImageKit dashboard on multiple devices simultaneously, such as your computer, tablet, and phone. The dashboard is the central location for all your media assets, so keeping track of which devices you are logged in from is vital.

View active sessions

The User Profile section provides a simple, easy-to-use interface for this. To view it, go to your user profile page and scroll down to the "Active sessions" table.

The session table displays information about your active sessions, like the IP address, the device and browser used, and the last active time.

You can only view and terminate your active sessions, not those of other users in your ImageKit account.

Terminate an active session

Sometimes, you may want to terminate an active session. You can do this by clicking the terminate icon corresponding to that session.

If you encounter any issues using this feature or have questions or suggestions, please email us at