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Asset history and audit logs

Get an overview of changes in the ImageKit DAM. Filter out specific events or dive deep into asset-level change history.

Enterprise plan only
This feature is only available in custom enterprise pricing plans. If your plan has central audit logs, then this feature is also available.

ImageKit provides audit logs for all edit (update and delete) operations performed on DAM assets (files, folders, and media collections).

These logs can be helpful for organization administrators and auditors to diagnose and troubleshoot various issues, like misconfigurations, suspicious activities, etc.

Audit logs will be saved for these features:

  • Sharing assets.
  • Renaming assets.
  • Updating custom metadata for assets.
  • Using extensions like background removal.
  • Adding, updating or removing public links for assets.
  • Moving assets.
  • Deleting assets.
  • Adding & removing tags or auto-tags for a file.
  • Creating, Restoring, or Deleting a file version.
  • Adding or removing assets from a media collection.
  • Using draft assets.

Audit logs page

If you're an administrator, you can access the DAM audit logs from the user menu in the screen's bottom left corner.

Here, you can view all the logs in the table and the associated request and response details, such as method, endpoint, etc.

You can also filter these logs based on:

  • Operations (like adding tags, renaming an asset, deleting an asset, adding public links, and so on).
  • Users (to view the entire history of their actions in the media library).
  • Asset Path (e.g.: /forest/tree.png).
  • Request ID (sent back in the HTTP response headers for API requests to ImageKit).
  • Time Interval.

View File Deletion History

Using the asset path, you can easily track when a file was deleted and view its historical changes.

You can combine the available filters to customize your search in the DAM audit logs.

Asset History

All users with view access to the Media Library can see the historical changes to each file, folder, or media collection.

For folders and media collections, you can select the asset and open "Folder details" or "Media collection details" respectively to show their history.