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Usage Analytics

Learn how to access and understand usage analytics in

ImageKit provides detailed usage analytics to help you understand how your account is being used. To access usage analytics, log in to your ImageKit dashboard and navigate to the Usage Analytics section.

If you use sub-accounts, the parent account can only show an overview of analytics, while detailed analytics are available in the sub-accounts.

The overall usage summary looks like this.

Let's explore different sections of usage analytics.

Daily usage graphs for bandwidth, requests, VPUs, and extensions

Monitor bandwidth, requests, VPUs, and extensions with daily usage graphs. These are usually updated within a few hours of actual consumption.

Within VPU, you can also see the split for different resolutions, such as SD, HD, 4K, etc.

Top assets by bandwidth and requests

Under Media use analysis, you can see the top assets by bandwidth and requests. We provide split for images, videos, and other assets based on the Content-Type response header.

This lets you determine which assets consume the most bandwidth and are requested frequently. For example, if you find a few large-sized GIFs consuming a lot of bandwidth, consider converting them to videos to save bandwidth. Or, for example, if you find a lot of high-resolution images, consider resizing them correctly.

Error reports

Go to the error reports section to see the errors received on your ImageKit URLs in the selected duration.

If you see a lot of 404 errors, look at the top URLs and the reasons to fix them in your application. Learn more about troubleshooting 404 errors.

Top image and video transformations

This section summarizes the top transformations applied to images and videos. Ideally, for high performance, a few transformations should account for most of the request volume.

If you see too many transformations here, each with a very low percentage usage and a low cache hit ratio on the CDN, consider consolidating your transformations to a smaller number.

If you suspect a transformation is incorrect or should not have been used, first check your code for it. If still an issue, consider using named transformation and restricting un-named transformations for more control on the transformations that can be applied to your media assets.

Cache hit statistics

This section provides information about cache hit statistics. It shows the number of cache hits, misses, and error requests on the CDN integrated in ImageKit.

A cache hit percentage above 90% is considered excellent, while above 80% is good. A lower cache hit ratio means the cache is not utilized effectively. This is usually the case if you are using a lot of unique URL transformations, signed URLs with expiry, or the cache is being bypassed due to random query parameters containing a timestamp or a unique identifier.

Top usage by countries, devices, browsers, and referrers

This section helps you identify the top usage by countries, browsers, output formats, devices, user agents, referrers, and IP addresses. Looking at anomalies here can help identify, optimize, and fix high usage on ImageKit.

  • By countries: determined from the country of CDN edge used to serve content and may not match the country of your user
  • By browsers: Determined from the User-Agent string value in the request header.
  • By formats: Determined from the value of the HTTP Content-Type header of the response.
  • By devices: Determined from the value of the User-Agent string in the request header
  • By user agents: Determined from the value of the User-Agent header in the request header.
  • By referer: Determined from the Referer header in the request headers.
  • By IP addresses: Determined by the IP address of the incoming request.

If you observe hotlinking or unauthorized usage, you can use the advanced security features to block specific IPs, referrers, or user agents.

Suppose you observe significantly high usage for a single format like JPEG or PNG. In that case, the images are not optimized to a modern format, like WebP or AVIF. Consider checking the image and video optimizations and ensuring they work across all websites and apps.