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Integrate S3-compatible Storage with

Connect S3-compatible Storage as an external storage with ImageKit to get real-time image and video optimization and transformation capabilities in minutes.

S3-compatible storage like DigitalOcean Spaces or Wasabi can be interfaced using the S3 API and specification. You can seamlessly integrate these storages with your account. This allows you to use's real-time optimization, transformation, and streaming features on all existing images and videos in your storage. You will also be able to deliver non-media files like JS, CSS, and more with this integration.

Storage endpoint for S3-compatible origins

When connecting S3-compatible storage to ImageKit, most options and inputs remain the same as a regular AWS S3 bucket integration, except for the Endpoint input parameter. A S3-compatible storage provider, such as Wasabi, will provide a Storage endpoint or a service URL for integration with third-party services like

For instance, here's an example endpoint for Wasabi storage: found on 'What are the service URLs for Wasabi's different regions?'. You can similarly find the appropriate endpoint for your S3-compatible storage provider in storage provider documentation.

Before continuing, understand how external storage integration works, what is URL endpoint, and how to troubleshoot 404 errors.

Step 1: Configure origin

  1. Go to the external storage section in your dashboard, and click on the "Add New" button.
  2. Choose S3-Compatible Storage from the Origin type dropdown.
  3. Give your origin a name. It will appear in the list of origins you have added. For example - Wasabi - Product images bucket.
  4. Fill out the Bucket name.
  5. Specify the Bucket folder in which your files are present. If you have to access files at the root (i.e., present directly in the bucket and not inside a folder), enter /.
  6. Fill out the Access and Secret keys. These keys should provide read-only access to, as explained below.
  7. Enter the Endpoint for your storage provider as explained above.
  8. Leave the advanced options as it is for now.
  9. Click on the Save button.

Read-only permission required needs read-only access to your storage bucket. You can refer to your S3-compatible storage provider's documentation to figure out how to provide read-only access to a bucket.

Step 2: Access the file through URL endpoint

When you add your first external source (origin) in the dashboard, the origin is, by default, made accessible through the default URL endpoint of your account. For subsequent origins, you can either create a separate URL endpoint or edit the existing URL endpoint (including default) and make this newly added origin accessible by editing the origin preference list.

When you request, internally accesses the object at path /rest-of-the-path.jpg in your bucket (assuming that you added / in the bucket folder input while adding the origin).

            URL endpoint                transformation      file path      

Let's look at a few examples of how to fetch an image file. The same would work for other file types as well.

If you get a "Not found" error while accessing the file, check out this troubleshooting guide.

You can also use a custom domain like

Step 3: Integrate and Go live

Start using URLs in your application to deliver perfect images and videos.

Handling special characters in the filename

Please refer to the documentation here.

Advanced options for S3 type origin

Include canonical response header

When enabled, the response contains a Link header with the appropriate URL and rel=canonical. You will have to specify the base URL for the canonical header.

For example, if you set as the base URL for the canonical header, then the response headers for URL will have a Link header like this:

Link: <>; rel="canonical"

Use path-style URLs instead of virtual-hosted style URLs

When enabled, path-style URLs will be used instead of the default, virtual-hosted style URLs while fetching the file from your S3-compatible storage provider. This may be useful if your provider does not yet support the virtual-hosted style URLs i.e. URLs where the bucket name is a part of the hostname.

For example, if your service provider's endpoint is, your bucket is named product-images, and your file is named red-dress.jpg, then the URL generated as per each style will be:

virtual-hosted [default]: