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Image & video API

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Integrate DigitalOcean Spaces with

Connect DigitalOcean Spaces as an external storage with ImageKit to get real-time image and video optimization and transformation capabilities in minutes.

You can configure to fetch files from your DigitalOcean Spaces bucket. This allows you to leverage's real-time optimization, transformations, streaming, and fast CDN delivery for all your existing images, videos, and other file types.

DigitalOcean Spaces is an S3-compatible storage provider. To configure your DigitalOcean Spaces bucket with your ImageKit account, you will need the endpoint parameter provided by DigitalOcean Spaces. This value generally depends upon the region in which your bucket belongs.

As specified in the DigitalOcean Spaces documentation, the general template to get this endpoint value is: https://${REGION} , where ${REGION} should be replaced by the region code for your region.

For example, buckets configured in the Singapore region have the endpoint:

Similarly, find the correct endpoint for the region in which your bucket is configured and verify with DigitalOcean's official documentation.

Once you have this endpoint, follow the instructions on ImageKit's doc page on how to configure S3-compatible external storage with ImageKit.